Friday, December 9, 2011

Own! New baubles from Gerard Yosca

Now that it's nearing the end of the year, I have all these vacation days to use up.  That means I have the next couple Thursday and Fridays off!  Amazing for me?  Yes, yes!  Not so amazing for my wallet though.

However, tis the season of the sample sale in NY right now and I certainly took advantage of that today!

I visited a handful of sample sales, but the one that made the biggest impact on me was Gerard Yosca.  I've never been really into large statement jewelry, but my tune has certainly changed after having been to this sample sale.  They had some amazing statement necklaces and bracelets and I was lucky enough to get to the sale early and get to try everything on.

The prices for these baubles are usually $200+, but at the sample sale, almost everything was under $100!  It was a great place to pick up Christmas presents for girlfriends!  Here's what I ended up picking up for myself:

Amazing starburst stone bangle over darkened brass

Giant and monstrous black geode ring

bling bling side sitting statement necklace

Unfortunately, because these are past season, I can't link you to them online.  You'll just have to ogle.  Sorry!  I'll showcase all the other pieces once they've gone to their owners- don't want to spoil any surprises!  Next time they have a sale, I'll a buy a few extra pieces as a giveaway!  Happy sample sale-ing!

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