Monday, December 19, 2011

OBSESSED: Blinged out Nails- Lynnderella Nail Polishes

Have you guys heard of

If not, let me tell you about this site.  Remember back in the day when you were in high school and you'd flip through your Seventeen and Teen Vogue (RIP!) Magazines and cute out pics of cute boys or dresses that you liked?  Well, it's kind of the same concept, but brought to you now through the magic of the world wide web.  Pinterest allows you to create mood boards based on whatever you want.  See something on a blog (say, this blog, for example) that you like?  "Pin it" to Pinterest and then share that board with friends.  It's a great site and it's actually really addicting.

Anyway, I was browsing on Pinterest recently, when I saw this:

I visited, which is where the image was originally from, and found that the seemingly DIY nail polish shown here is actually one of a collection by a woman named Lynn Chrisman and she sells them on her blog.  THEY ARE AMAZING.  They are really creative combinations of glitter into nail lacquer.  I am all up in the weird nail trends and, I have to say, I haven't seen any glitter polishes that match the uniqueness of these Lynnderella ones.  The bad news is that she puts them out in collections and they are in pretty low supply when she does put them out.  

They are $12 a bottle and you better believe that I'm going to try to get my naked nails on these!  If you want to see more pictures and try to recreate these glittery polishes on your own, check out Steffel's blog for some awesome holiday nail ideas!  Here are my favorites:


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