Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Own: Baby I need a new bag! Emily Cho has what I want!

Fashion blogs all over the web are updating feverishly as we speak!  There's no way I can keep up with them!  I've seen so many inspiring photos that I want to write about, but my friends, there just simply isn't enough time in the day.  

I will take out time to write about this one picture though:

This oversized clutch caught my eye immediately as I scrolled through my Pinterest feed.  

Why, you ask? Well, the sheer size of this bag me wonder if it was really a clutch at all.  Upon further inspection, I confirmed to myself that yes, yes it is a clutch- an awesomely huge one.  I love it!  

But then something hit me..."I've seen this bag before...WHERE HAVE I SEEN IT??"  It's that feeling you get when you know the name of that band from the early 90s and it's just on the tip of your tongue, but just can't quite spit it out.  I started scouring all the fashion blogs that I follow and after a quick jaunt through my blog reading history and some smart keyword searches, I FOUND IT.  On Myfashdiary.  These bags are by Emily Cho!  See my favorites below:

the blues and purples in this floral clutch are so dreamy

I also love this yellow one.  It reminds me a little of a fortune cookie.  tee hee. 

They are a bit on the pricier side (I think around $450-$700), but these would be categorized in my timeless fashion pile.  Quasi-investments.  They are simple shapes that have been around for a while, especially the ladylike style of the orange bag.  The clutches come in medium and oversized and I think both are great though I would probably choose the medium version (I'm a shorty).  Anyway, Emily Cho has an online shop, so check it out!  

As a side note, the designer's name actually isn't Emily Cho.  The brand name comes from a combo of the designers names: EMILY Gellis and SJ CHO.  Read more about the duo here.


Pretty Tiny Things said...

Amazing bags!
Can we follow back each other?

Ogle, Obsess, Own. said...

Of course! Happy to follow a good blog!