Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Birthday Week: Day 3 Ogle, Paris

Since the tender age of Kindergartentry, my parents had me enrolled in French classes.  I happily learned French from then up through college where I minored in the language.  Where has that skill taken me?  No where.  Not even to France!

Well, I've had enough.  I want to go to France.  Not just anywhere in France- I want to go to Paris, the world's most romantic city.  I want to see the Eiffel Tower.  I want to experience the nonchalance of real French people.  I want to drink fancy wine.  I want to walk through a fresh market.  I want to eat a whole French baguette with real butter.  I want to do it ALL!

When do I want to go?  In the summer, of course, when everyone else wants to go...when airfare is upwards of $1,000 for a 6-hour flight.  Insanity.  And Ogle-worthy.

Photo by Tone <3

Ay, mes cheries....peut-être un jour...mais ce n'est pas ce jour-là....mais, j'espère un jour très prochainement. Une fille peut rêver!


@chiumonster said...

just GO already!

@chiumonster said...

...and the butter is life changing, btw. <3