Wednesday, December 10, 2014

About Getting Married...

My wedding wasn't at all what I had originally imagined.  When I started on Pinterest, so many of my pins were gold glitter this, rainbow colored that, but when it came to making decisions about what I really wanted, I realized that all my choices were based on pure emotions and questions that I kept asking myself:

How did this make me feel?

How did it make my mom feel??

How would it make my fiancé feel???  What will my friends think?!  Does it really represent us and our love?!?

Much of what I write about on Ogle Obsess Own are things that I see in passing- things I love on impulse.  It doesn't take a lot of pondering over (well unless it's a handbag that's an Ogle that I really want to make an Own...) because it's not going to be something that will be in photos for the rest of my life.  It's just stuff that I like, or in some cases, really like.  I don't care if other people judge me on those things.  I have no tie to them.  Sure, I like them, but I'll probably like something else tomorrow.  Ogle, Obsess, Own is about what I like right now.

For a wedding though, it's the opposite.  Every choice that you make is carefully documented by photographers (and you pay them good money to document it).  Every choice made for a wedding will say something to you for years to your friends, family, new neighbors, your's daunting, really.  The pressure!

So, before I go into the dress, the shoes, the details, and whatever else you might want to know about my wedding, I wanted to let you know how much care and thought I put into making those choices.  Stay tuned for all the nitty gritty!

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