Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Obsess: Smukke! Charlotte Eskildsen

Smukke means beautiful, just like Charlotte Eskildsen's Designers Remix Collection.

I stumbled upon her designs recently floating around the web and I have to tell you about them.


Because I wish my whole closet was her stuff.  I want to open up my closet and only have Charlotte Eskildsen in it.  It's that good.  It's not over done.  It's simple, but quirky.  It's perfect for the city dweller.  So let's take a look at some of my favs from Designers Remix.

This slightly minty coat.  What a dreeeaaammm.  It's nice to see a coat that isn't black.  I know this would get destroyed in the NYC winter, but I don't care.  I would love to have it.

The obligatory lounge-y sweater.  It's nice and gentle oatmeal color is really versatile and probably something that I would spend my entire winter in.

A cool cardi!  It's easy to fall into the habit of just buying the same black cardigan every season, but this one is so awesome.  It has a funky shape and adds a little texture to your otherwise boring cardigan.

Sleek and work appropriate dress.  It's not just a cookie cutter dress.  It has a cool top which, while being conservative, is unique enough that it doesn't come off uptight.  I love it!  

As you can see, there's a lot to love about this brand and its designs.  Prices are all listed in euro, but the euro is weak right now so go after it!  More good news?!  They deliver to the US and if you order more than 133 euros worth of closet-perfecting duds, they ship for FREE.  YUP.  Anyway, don't let me get in the way of your new Obsession.

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