Tuesday, June 12, 2012

To Ogle, Obsess, or Own....That is the Question. Sale season part 2!

Yes, of course there's a part 2.  There are so many sales!  I couldn't possibly lay everything out in one post.  Plus, the thing with sales is that you have to wade through a lot of things that you don't like to find those gems of  things that you really do want.

When shopping a sale, there are always going to be things that are tempting because of how discounted they are.  The one essential question that I always ask myself when considering an item on sale is, "Would I buy this at full price?"

The answer should always be "YES" and a it should be a "YES" without hesitation.  As much as I try to hold to this, there are times that I have bought things that I have totally regretted buying.  You know where that happens most?  Sample sales.  Timed sales.  AUGH.  They've all gotten me.

Anyway, here are a few things that I would happily say yes to- sale or no sale.  Not saying that I can afford all these things...but whatever.

This Eddie Borgo necklace that I posted about a while ago is now on sale!  I loved it then and I love it now! At 60% it's a great deal and really hard to resist.  It may or may not be sitting in my cart right now...talk about Ownable!

Another awesome find from Net-a-Porter is this Jil Sander bag.  I've been looking for a replacement for my Alexander Wang bag from Fall 2010.  This one could be it...but for now, it will remain an Obsession.

If I hadn't just bought that awesome Zimmerman bikini, I would buy this awesome Mara Hoffman one.  How awesome!  Summer is in full swing!  Get thee into a bikini, pronto! OWN!

I left the Hervé Léger trend behind a little while ago, but that doesn't mean that the dresses don't still look amazing on people with the right body to wear them.  If you've been wanting one of these, this one is pretty close to Ownable.

Happy Shopping!

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