Monday, August 22, 2011

Ogle: Bijules

Accessorizing is a task that, I think, requires a tasteful eye and a sense of self control.  I always want to have something that is unique, but I have to be careful not to overdo it.  Accessories also serve as a great way to bring new life to old outfits or make something boring into something really fun and different.  All that considered, I think that Bijules could probably breathe life into any outfit that you had...that and make it a little more gritty and tough.  This a brand that I have seen before on the web (via images of Beyonce and her rad fashions), but I recently saw it resurface and I do still love it.  For my style, I think that some of the pieces might be a little too intense from me, but that doesn't mean that I want to gawk and stare at them any less.  Here are some really awesome pieces that I wish I had the balls to wear:
Nailring- not a ring, but a little coverlet for your nail that fits over just the top of your finger

eartip- a piece worn at the top of your ear, right behind it.  Hard to explain, but if you click on the link it will show you an example

Shattered Dreams- a little dark for my taste, but a very interesting and uniquely dark necklace

So, not quite my speed, but definitely pieces that are very unique and push you to re-examine the way that you look and jewelry and wear it.  If I take the plunge down this accessories' lane, I'll test drive the nailring.  I LOVE cool nails and this seems to be a cool way to keep nails interesting. 

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