Friday, August 5, 2011

Obsess to the Max: Mociun Jewelry

My favorite kind of jewelry is the kind that is completely wearable every day and eventually becomes something that people associate with you.  For me that has become tiny groups of rings and delicate necklaces.  The jewelry that I wear are like trinkets and bits of my life that I've just collected.  Because I love them (and partially because I'm lazy) I wear them all the time.  It's no surprise then that I'm completely and utterly obsessed with Mociun's jewelry line.  Walking around in Williamsburg one day, I discovered this adorable jewelry brand in the Jumelle on Bedford ave.  They do a lot of amazing work that integrates turquoise which is something I haven't really seen done tastefully until now.  here are some of my favorites:

Two sided ring <3


I love these beautifully mismatched earrings

Another really unique and lovely wedding band option
Love it.

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