Friday, April 29, 2011

Obsess: Mara Hoffman

I LOVE MARA HOFFMAN.  Her cuts are extremely flattering for my figure and the patterns are bonkers.  I know that the patterns  might be more than some can handle, especially looking at her creations on the hanger, but I urge you to TRY THEM ON.  Once you have on that gorgeous Mara Hoffman dress, you probably won't want to take it off and you'll feel the magic of her glorious design take hold of your hand control as you place that credit card down on the counter for the lovely cashier.  The price tag on these designs is not low, but it's no out of control either.  For a funky special occasion like, say, a birthday (Princess Birthday, even), her designs are perfect.  Here are a few of my favorites:

This is from a past season, but I remember trying this vest dress on and being absolutely in love with it.  I'll file this one under regret because this dress should be in my closet now

I haven't been able to find this online anywhere, but if any of you find it, please tell me where I can go to buy it!

This gorgeous dress was worn by Rihanna in one of her recent music videos

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