Monday, February 16, 2015

Obsess: Être Cécile LA BOMBE

I'm not sure what's going on with me right now, but the usual "I only wear black" me has officially left the building.  The weather here isn't at all close to spring and I'm all over the spring collections and wanting fun bright new colors.  Maybe I was inspired by these crazy beautiful Valentino Ogle-worthy I could die.

Anyway, my recent pining for color brought me to a very specific sweatshirt.  Have you heard of the brand Être Cécile?  If you haven't, that's ok.  I hadn't either and honestly, at the time, the brand didn't matter to me.  I was walking around a store in Williamsburg called Concrete + Water and that's when I found the top that my heart was really searching for.

THIS SWEATSHIRT.  I know it's kind of childish and almost a bit ridiculous, but I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since I saw it, hence the "obsess" headline.  It's an adorable pink (though it also comes in grey and black on black) and the phrase is just how I'm feeling today.  

I came back to peruse other pieces that Être Cécile has, but I loved none as much as I loved this LA BOMBE beauty.  I WANT IT.  I should just get it.

Many of you might not know this, but I have been in a test with myself recently to withhold from buying clothing.  A test of one's to speak.  So I've been refusing myself the pleasure of shopping.  It's killing me when it comes to this sweatshirt though.  It's currently on sale, though I won't tell you where...for fear that you might buy it before I release myself from my self induced torture.  So I'll just leave it at that.

I love it.  I hope you do, too.  But I hope you don't find it and buy it.

By the way, has it happened to you before where you've loved one item from a brand so much and then nothing else from the brand?  That doesn't often happen to me so I'm puzzled by it.  I keep going back to their site to see if I might possibly like another one of their sweatshirts or maybe a cute cropped T, but nothing.  Strange.

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