Monday, August 15, 2011

Obsess: Pierre Hardy

Usually, unique jewelry is what catches my eyes.  Don't get me wrong, though- handbags and shoes are just as heavenly, but it takes a real gem of an accessory to make me turn around and think twice about it.  I go into super-obsessed mode when I do find something that I think is truly special.  So, Pierre Hardy had actually never been a brand that had really even crossed my radar due to the price point, but I have a good friend that works at their West Village store and she finally got me to go in and peruse the beautiful footwear.

The store is like a modern museum of dainty and sparkly kicks that just cry out to you to buy them as soon as you walk into the store.  Something that I love about the space is that it provides a semi private shopping experience.  Living in New York City, any time you shop, you're opening yourself up to the unwanted opinions pf talkative Manhattanites.  Everyone here likes to put in their two cents.  Pierre Hardy tries to deflect those unwanted opinions by offering translucent panels in between their seats so you can try your shoes on in peace.

Beyond the more private shopping experience, the shoes actually speak for themselves.  They are well fitted and extremely comfortable.  I'm a girl of many pumps and the ones that I bought from Pierre Hardy that day have caused no blusters or foot cramps.  A miracle in shoe design!  Here are the two amazing pairs that I bought:

These actually came in a black suede/leather and that's what I bought, though I think this color combo is so dainty and pretty.  These are about a 3.5in heel and they make my legs look so sexy.  The fashion girl's fitflop :)

Ah, the quintessential summer wedge.  A must have.  I LOVE these.  

Visit the shop and see everything for yourself. 

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