Monday, April 2, 2012

Own: Flowtastic Ts from OAK

I'm in love with T shirts.  Any time I see a T shirt that has a little bit of character to it, I immediately fall in love with it and feel like I have to have it- no matter the price.  When it comes to T shirts, there is no Obsess or Ogle.  There is only OWN.

If you live in NYC and you're down with simple Ts, then you're probably familiar with the store OAK.  The store carries a few other brands (Acne, T by Alexander Wang, Cheap Monday and more), but they have their own brand as well.  And you know what else they have?

EPIC Ts.  What does that mean?  Well, glad you asked.  Let me enlighten you.

A T shirt, at the core, is something that should fit you just so- sounds generic and indescriptive, but let me explain- it should lay across your frame loosely and appear totally comfortable.  By default, it should be comfortable so the material that the shirt is made of is incredibly important.  What makes a T shirt epic?  The flowiness factor!  While a T shirt can be loosely fitted and comfortable, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be flowy.   Case and point- cotton.  Sometimes cotton is kind of stiff.  While it's comfortable and loose fitting, it might not be flowy.  This is not a problem with the OAK Ts.  Let me show you.

THIS is what I'm talking about.  I LOVE how it drapes in the back.  To the unsuspecting, this top is just your average T, but when you turn around...aahhh, I love this shirt.  While the shirt is 100% cotton, I can say that it felt like cotton that was really nice and worn in.  It was so delicate and soft!

If you want that flowy feeling all over, I would highly recommend THIS DRESS.  As I was feeling all lovey dovey with the T shirts at OAK, I happened to also try on this dress and walk out with it.  It's so soft and so sexy.  I would highly recommend it for the summer (because it's super lightweight) with a fancy bra underneath (like maybe something from Only Hearts).

I'm hooked. I might have to get another one of those dresses because I can't even tell you what it feels like to be wrapped in it.  


Christine said...


Ogle, Obsess, Own. said...

Do it. It's worth it! I love the dress. It's AWESOME.